Bloodthirsty Pirates Dividing Treasure
(this page).
Five pirates have to divide a treasure of 1000 coins. The pirates have a
ranking from highest to lowest. This is the system the pirates use to see who
will get how much treasure:
- The lowest ranked pirate proposes a way to divide up the treasure.
- The pirates vote on the distribution scheme.
- If more than half of the pirates vote yes, the treasure is divided as planned.
- Otherwise, the pirate who proposed the scheme is forced to walk the plank, and the next lowest ranked pirate proposes a scheme.
The pirates have the following traits:
- They are perfectly logical.
- They are greedy and will vote to maximize their own treasure regardless of all other considerations.
- They are bloodthirsty and, all other things being equal, will vote against a proposal.
What should the lowest ranked pirate suggest?